Preparation (optional): Upload Job/Thesis information Filelist
Before adding the offer in the records, upload any PDF with further information if you want to link to it.
Step 1: Create new job/thesis offer record List
Select List in the Sidebar and browse to the correct offer record folder, usually Job folder or Theses folder.
There are two paths to add a new job/thesis offer record, either by clicking on + New record in the Jobs/Thesis table or by clicking on + Create new record in the top bar. If you choose the latter path you have to select Job/Thesis in a second step.
Step 2: Fill in the Job/Thesis Offer Form List
Fill in the form fields.
If you have an application deadline, set an expiration date in the field at the bottom of the form. The offer will then expire automatically.
If your pages Join and Final Theses are configured properly, your new offer should be published there without you having to add them in Page.