With this recipe you'll learn how to add a picture to a page’s header (hero) section by the example of the University Sports page (the sports header may have been updated since this instruction was written).

Preparation (optional): Select and Upload a Header Image Filelist

Go to filelist and upload your header image to the website.

Good sources for royalty free stock photos and graphics are, for example: 

You may also try your luck with the image collection at mediaTUM.

Size matters

Pictures should have a good resolution, idealy between 1.280 and 2.560 px in width.

Please use a widescreen ratio like 16:9 to keep the hero section height compact. You may also crop an image using the built in ratio function, we'll get to that in one of the last steps.

Give Credits

If you know the source of your image, please do the originator a favour and enter the copyright data. 

If you use royalty free stock imagery, this may be mandatory – please mind the copyright information given you by downloading the image.

Missing image credits may also lead to legal issues. 

Step 1: Open Page Properties Page

Head to the page you want to edit in the Page Module and click on the Edit page properties button. Then scroll down to the hero section.

Step 2: Check Hero Settings and Add Image Page

Check if the page hero section is visible (this is the default value for any new page).

Choose none in the Hero Vertical Padding field if you do not want any colored margins above and below your image.

Insert your image by clicking Create new relation and selecting the file in the dialogue.

Step 3: Set Image Ratio and Width Page

After selection, the website will use the native aspect ration of the chosen file. You can override this by selecting a preset from the image’s Aspect Ratio field. The image will then be cropped to the ratio.

Specify an image width using the Hero Image Width (Fraction of window width) selection field. It’s all in the name.

Save the page and view it to dial in ratio and width.

Did you know?

You can shrink an image into a box with a specified aspect ratio by setting Image stretch mode to one of the Contain options. The picture will be scaled to fit and be centered in the aspect container. There will be blank space on one or both sides of the image though.

Congratulations, your task is complete!